videmus nunc per speculum

Three truths... and three lies
I am sure that you have always been told to tell the truth. Today, I’m going to tell you three truths that the graduates of St. Timothy's Classical Academy have learned. And then I’m going to tell you three lies that they may or may not have learned. I'm going to tell you the lies so that you can reject them when you hear them.
Five Who Made a Difference
Miguel Buisán
Professor of Spanish, Philips Exeter Academy (Exeter, NH)
Without the modest, unsung hero, Prof. Buisán, I might never have graduated high school, if I had even survived adolescence. For the profound thanks that I owe him for saving not just my education but even my life, read Zev Singer's interview with me on the occasion of my 2004 National Capital Educator's award.

Juan-Ramón Capella
Professor of the Philosophy of Law, Universidad autonoma de Barcelona
No one has witnessed the gut-wrenching conversion in my life (described here) and been there to walk through it with me (though often as an antagonist) like the brilliant Capella. But his whole life prepared him to expect the unexpected. You can read about his career in abbreviated form or first-hand in the first volume of his remarkable autobiography Sin Ítaca: Memorias 1940-1975. More remarkable still: we are good friends and I love him dearly.

Fr. Eusebi Colomer i Pous SJ
Professor, Facultad de Teología, San Francisco de Borja SJ (San Cugat del Valles, Barcelona, Spain)
Fr. Colomer will always be my model for how the very best theology and the toughest critical thinking can and should be brought together, namely, through an intense and profound love of God who transcends all earthly things but who is incarnate, incarnate first of all in Jesus, but also in the saints, people like Colomer who care for and love the least, including students like me.

John Wyatt
Professor of Classics, Beloit College (Beloit, Wisconsin)
Prof. Wyatt (Beloit College) has had numerous students recall him but all of our encounters with John Wyatt can be summed up as James Wells, a former student, does: "I am a first-generation college graduate, and on my father’s side of the family, the first to earn a high school diploma. My parents divorced when I was 11, and my mother raised five children on an income barely above the poverty threshold—a heroic achievement, but what I thought of as a normal life was not normative in the context of a highly selective private liberal arts college. ... And then I met John Wyatt..."
John Wyatt's illustrious career and inspiration as a teacher was noted by Beloit College's president in Wyatt's obituary. But it barely scratches the surface of the influence that John Wyatt had on the students fortunate enough to have been able to listen to him ... in awe.

Richard Longenecker
Professor, New Testament, Wycliffe College - Toronto School of Theology (Toronto, ON)
To no one does the epithet "Christian scholar and gentleman" apply more accurately than to Dr. Longenecker. He remains the best example and model of this combination, an example and model to which I have always aspired since I first studied with him. Not that I have gained that goal... but I still press on ... half-a-century later.