Reflections of Faith
Soli Deo Gloria
Ordained and licenced in the Anglican Church of Canada (1987), then licenced in the Anglican Network in Canada (2008), I was received into the Catholic Church (with my wife) on the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity 2015. (Read our conversion story HERE.)
In what follows you can find materials from selected
NB: This section is presently being rebuilt. If a link to the sermon, presentation, or article is not found, please feel free to contact me to request it.

(by canonical order)

Old Testament Sermons
Exodus 3:1-15
"My name forever" (Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
Lent 3 (March 2, 2013)
Numbers 21:4-9
"More than conquerors" (Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
March 26, 2006
1 Kings 9:1-18
"Semper reformanda" (Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
August 7, 2016
2 Kings 5:1-14
"The battle belongs to the Lord" (Kanata Community Christian Reformed Church, Kanata, ON)
February 12, 2006
Isaiah 6
"Is it I, Lord?" (Calvary Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
June 7, 2009
Isaiah 6
"Whom shall I send?" (Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
September 18, 2016
Isaiah 11:1-10
"Root of Jesse, Son of David" (First Christian Reformed Church, Kemptville, ON)
Advent 2 (December 8, 2013)
Isaiah 45:1-3
The ordination of Peter Robinson to the priesthood, at St. George's Anglican Church, Burlington, Ontario

Gospel of Matthew Sermons
Matthew 2:1-12
"When Iranian scientists came to worship God" (Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
February 1, 2014
Matthew 3:1-12
"Get Ready!" (St. Mark the Evangelist Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Advent 2, Year A (December 9, 2001)
Matthew 5:1-12
"All the Saints" (St. John’s Episcopal Church, Massena NY)
All Saints Day, Year A (November 6, 2005)
Matthew 5:13-20
"Antisthenes" (St. Mark the Evangelist, Ottawa, Ontario)
Epiphany 5, Year A (1999)
Matthew 6:12
"Forgive us our trespasses," 2nd Annual Augustine College Hymn Sing (Ottawa, ON)
Septmeber 19, 1998
Matthew 9:9-13
"What does God desire of you?" (Community Christian Reformed Church, Dixon's Corners, ON)
Pentecost 3, Year A (June 9, 2002)
Matthew 10:1-15
"On being sent" (Kanata Community Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
June 26, 2005
Matthew 11:2-11
"Did you get what you expected?" (Community Christian Reformed Church, Dixon's Corners, ON)
Christmas 1, Year A (Dec 26, 2004)
Matthew 13.1-9, 18-23
"A few good men (and women)" (St. John's Episcopal Church, Massena, NY)
December 3, 1999
Matthew 15:21-28
"Just desserts?" (St. Peter and Paul's Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Pentecost 9, Year A (August 14, 2011)
Matthew 22:34-40
Pentecost 23, Year A (October 27, 2002)
"Remembering to do the right thing" (Saint John's Episcopal Church, Massena, NY)
Matthew 22:34-36
"The greatest of these is love" (Saint George's Anglican Church, Ottawa)
Pentecost 24, Year A (October 26, 2008)
Matthew 22:34-36
Theological Education Sunday (St. Mark the Evangelist Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
October 24, 1999
Matthew 28:16-20
"The Great Commission" (Saint George's Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Trinity Sunday, Year A (May 18, 2008)

Gospel of Mark Sermons
Mark 1:1-3
"The Gospel of Mark" (Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
January 4, 2015
Mark 1:1-11
"... but who does God say that I am?" (Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
January 11, 2015
Mark 1:1-8
"The earthquake of God" (St. Mark the Evangelist Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Advent 2, Year B (1999)
Mark 1:9-15
Lent 1, Year B (March 5, 2000)
"Stopped in your tracks: Reflections on passion, suffering, and sickness: Reflections for Lent 1" (Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
Mark 1:9-15
"Auspicious Beginnings" (Calvary Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
March 14, 2004
Mark 1:12-15
"I thought that you said this was about good news?" (Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
January 18, 2015
Mark 1:21-28
"True Teaching" (First Christian Reformed Church, Kemptville, ON)
February 5, 2015
Mark 1:40-45
"True Pastoral Care" (St. John's Episcopal Church, Massena NY)
Epiphany 6, Year B (2000)
Mark 2:1-12
"What have you done?" (St. Barnabas Chapel, Codrington College, Barbados)
Epiphany 7, Year B
Mark 5:21-43
"Death and dying, and the risen Lord" (St. George's Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Pentecost 9 Year A (Proper 15) August 14, 2011
Mark 6:1-13
"The vocation of a prophet" (Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
Pentecost 5, Year B (July 9, 2006)
Mark 6:30-56
"The house of God" (St. Peter and Paul's Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Pentecost 8, Year B (July 22, 2012)
Mark 6:30-56
"Who do we have here?" Part 1(Kanata Community Christian Reformed Church, Kanata ON)
September 3, 2006
Mark 8:27 -9:1
"The enemy within" (Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
Lent 2, Year B (March 1, 2015)
Mark 8:27 - 9:1
"Who do we have here? And what difference does it make?" (Kanata Christian Reformed Church, Kanata ON)
September 10, 2006
Mark 8:27 - 9:1
"What does an invitation to follow Him mean for us?" (Calvary Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa ON)
March 28, 2004
Mark 8:27 - 9:1
"Never" (Cathedral Church of St. Matthew, Timmins, ON)
Lent 2, Year B (April 15, 2003)
Mark 9:30-37
"Do you have what it takes?" (First Christiain Reformed Church, Kemptville, ON)
September 23, 20012
Mark 9:30-37
"True greatness" (St. George's Anglican Church, Ottawa ON)
Pentecost 16, Year B (September 20, 2009)
Mark 10:32-45
"True greatness and its cost" (Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa ON)
Lent 5, Year B (March 22, 2015)
Mark 10:46-52
"Who may come in?" (St. Peter and Paul's Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Palm Sunday
Mark 10:46-52
"The value of being blind" (Dixon's Corners Christian Reformed Church, Dixon's Corners, ON)
Pentecost 20, Year B (October 26, 2003)
Mark 12:28-34
"Three orders for pleasing God" (Calvary Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
November 4, 2012
Mark 13:24-37
Sermon for Advent 1 (St. Mark' the Evangelist Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Advent 1 (1999)
Mark 13:24-37
"The difficulty of staying awake" (Kanata Community Christian Reformed Church, Kanata ON)
November 27, 2005
Mark 14 - 15
"The five faces of Palm Sunday" (St. Peter and Paul's Anglican Church, Ottawa ON) + Film Clip
Palm Sunday (April 1, 2012)

Gospel of Luke Sermons
Luke 1:39-56
Advent 3, Year B (December 11, 2005)
"Great expectations" (Kanata Community Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
Luke 2:25-35
July 12, 2003
What the stories of John's and Jesus' birth in Luke really tell us about what Israel's hopes were for Jesus' birth
Luke 3:1-6
"A history lesson with a surprising ending" (St. Mark the Evangelist Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Advent 2, Year C (December 7, 2003)
Luke 3:1-6
"The salvation of God" (Saint Mark the Evangelist Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Advent 2, Year C
Luke 3:1-6
"What's in it for me?" (Kanata Community Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
November 26, 2006
Luke 3:7-18
"Rejoice! A new day's coming!" (St. Peter and Paul's AnglicanChurch, Ottawa, ON)
Advent 3 (December 16, 2012)
Luke 3:7-18
Advent 3, Year C (December 14, 2003)
"I won't be around forever to tell you what to do!" (St. Mark the Evangelist Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Luke 3:15-22
"Shaking the foundations," January 13, 2013 (The Baptism of the Lord), St. Peter and Paul's Anglican Church, Ottawa
Luke 4:1-13
"Shaking the foundations" (St. Mark the Evangelist Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Ash Wednesday, Year C (February 28, 2001)
Luke 4:14-30
"He's OK: He's just like me!" (Community Reformed Church, Dixon's Corners, ON)
Epiphay 3, Year C (January 21, 2001)
Luke 7:37 - 8:3
"Good news" (St. George's Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Pentecost 3 (June 13, 2010)
Luke 9:2-6
March 3, 2000
"Into any home" (Sermon for the commemoration of John and Charles Wesley, Clergy Conference, Diocese of Albany, Camp of the Woords, Speculator, NY)
Luke 10:1-24
"What do you have to offer?" (Kanata Community Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
July 8, 2007
Luke 10:25-37
"True love and its implications" (St. Mark the Evangelist Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Pentecost 6, Year C (July 15, 2001)
Luke 10:25-37
"Why your faith matters to the world" (Kanata Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
July 15, 2007
Luke 10:38-42
"On choosing the best serving at the meal" (St. Mark the Evangelist Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Pentecost 7, Year C
Luke 11:1-13
"Collecting debts" (St. Mark the Evangelist Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Pentecost 8, Year C (July 29, 2001)
Luke 12:49-56
"Glittering generalities" (St. George's Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Pentecost 12, Year C (August 15, 2010)
Luke 15:1-10
"I once was lost" (St. John's Episcopal Chuch, Massena, NY)
Pentecost 15, Year C
Luke 16:1-13
"You're fired!" (St. John's Episcopal Church, Massena, NY)
Pentecost 16, Year C (September 19, 2004)
Luke 16:19-31
Pentecost 17, Year C (September 30, 2001)
"Some practical advice on dealing with the unknown" (Community Christian Reformed Church, Dixon's Corners, ON)
Luke 17:5-10
"Living by debts?" (St. Mark the Evangelist Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Pentecost 18, Year C (October 3, 2004)
Luke 18:1-8a
"Fatherly hearing" (Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
Pentecost 20, Year C (October 17, 2004)
Luke 18:9-14
"False greatness and true greatness" (St. Mark the Evangelist Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Pentecost 21, Year C (October 28, 2001)
Luke 19:1-10
"The true measure of a saint" (St Mark the Evangelist Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Pentecost 22, Year C and the Eve of All Saints Day (October 31, 2004)
Luke 20:27-38
"Where are you going?" (St. John's Episcopal Church, Massena, NY)
Pentecost 23, Year C (November 11, 2001)
Luke 21:5-19
"Two men went up to pray..." (St. Mark the Evangelist Anglican Church, Ottawa ON)
November 13, 1998
Luke 21:20-28
"The real fear of advent" (Anglican Community, Saint Paul University, Ottawa, ON)
Thursday before Advent 1, Year C (November 25, 2004)
Luke 21:25-36
"The end has come" (St. Peter's in the Park Anglican Church, Hamilton, ON)
Advent 1 (December 2, 2012)
Luke 23
"Who may come in?" (St. Peter and Paul's Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Palm Sunday (March 24, 2013)

Gospel of John Sermons
John 1:1-18
Christmas 2, Year B (2003)
"The point of the incarnation" (Community Christian Reformed Church, Dixon's Corners, ON)
John 1:29-42
"Come and see" (St. George's Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Epiphany 2, Year A (January 16, 2011)
John 2:13-22
"A family crisis" (Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
Lent 3, Year B (March 8, 2015)
John 2:13-22
"Have you ever been angry?" (St. Mark's Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Lent 3, Year B (March 23, 2003)
John 3:1-16
"I can do it myself" (St. John's Episcopal Church, Massena, NY)
Trinity Sunday, Year B (June 11, 2006)
John 5:31-47
"Jesus on Trial" (Anglican Studies Programme, Saint Paul University, Ottawa, ON)
Lent 4, Year A (March 6, 2008)
John 10:1-10
"Whom do you fear?" (St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church, Massena, NY)
Easter 4, Year A (April 21, 2002)
John 10:1-18
Ordination of David Robinson to the priesthood (June 19, 2010)
"Good shepherd / Bad shepherds" (St. Alban's Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
John 10:1-18
"Jesus like a shpherd leads us" (Calvary Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
May 2, 2004
John 10:11-18
"Shepherd leadership" (Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
Easter 4, Year B (May 11, 2003)
John 11:1-45
"A question of worth" (St Peter and Paul's Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Lent 5, Year A (April 9, 2011)
John 12:1-11
"Great disappointments" (St. Mark's Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Monday in Holy Week (April 10, 2006)
John 12:1-11
"Succeeding in death" (St. Mark the Evangelist Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Monday in Holy Week (April 9, 2001)
John 12:12-19
"The King" (Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
Palm Sunday (March 28, 2010)
John 12:20-33
"Two kinds of dying" (Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
March 18, 2018
John 13:1-35
"Worthy to come to the altar" (St. Peter and Paul's Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Thursday in Holy Week (April 17, 2014)
John 13:1-35
"Apostolic service" (St. Peter and Paul's Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Pentecost 2 BCP (June 10, 2012)
John 13:1-35
"In the heat of the night" (St. Mark the Evangelist Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Thursday of Holy Week, Year A (March 28, 2002)
John 13:21-32
"Betrayal!" (St. Mark the Evangelist Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Wednesday in Holy Week (April 16, 2003)
John 13:21-32
"What a friend we have in Jesus" (St. Mark the Evangelist Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Wednesday in Holy Week (April 11, 2001)
John 13:31-35
"An education in love" (Saint John the Evangelist Episcopal Church, Massena, NY)
Easter 5, Year C (May 13, 2001)
John 14:1-7
"I AM is the Way, that is, the Truth and the Life" (St. Richard's Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Service for the Day of Prayer for Christian Unity (January 21, 2001)
John 14:15-31
"Children of the Reformation: Orphans or heirs?" (St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Ottawa, ON)
Reformation Rally (October 31, 2010)
John 15
"The key ingredients for a fine wine" (Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
Easter 6 (May 5, 2002)
John 15
"Love one another" (Calvary Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
Easter 6 (May 13, 2012)
John 16:23-33
"Appeasement or peace?" (St. Mark the Evangelist Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Remembrance Day (Canada - November 10, 2002)
John 17:1-11
"How God is like a father and mother to us" (St. John's Episcopal Church, Mas
Easter 7, Year A (May 12, 2002)
John 20:19-31
"Seeing is unbelieving" (St. Peter and Paul's Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Easter 2 (April 15, 2012)
John 20:19-31
Easter 2 (April 10, 2005)
"The ABCs of faith" (Community Christian Reformed Church, Dixon's Corners, ON
John 20:19-31
"Do you remember what it was like?" (St. John's Episcopal Church, Massena, NY)
Easter 2 (April 27, 2003)
John 20:19-31
"Witness for the truth" (St. John's Episcopal Church, Massena, NY)
Easter 2 (April 22, 2001)
John 21:1-14
"Maybe we should just go fishing, too" (Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
Easter 3, Year C (April 29, 2001)

Acts of the Apostles Sermons
Acts 1:1-8
May 22, 2011
"Mission: The future of the church" (Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON
Acts 2:1-21
"Out of control in the Spirit" (St. Peter and Paul's Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Pentecost (May 19, 2013)
Acts 2:1-21
"When someone else takes over" (St. John's Episcopal Church, Massena, NY)
Pentecost (June 12, 2011)
Acts 2:1-21
"Who's in charge here?" (Kanata Community Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
Penetcost (June 4, 2006)
Acts 2:1-21
"On being out of control" (Community Christian Reformed Church, Dixon's Corners, ON)
Pentecost (May 30, 2004)
Acts 2:42-47
The Pentecostal life: Part 1 "Prayer and Breaking of bread" (Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
June 3, 2012
Acts 2:42-47
The Pentecostal Life: Part 2 "Commonality" (Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
June 10, 2012
Acts 2:42-47
June 17, 2012
The Pentecostal life: Part 3 "Apostolic teaching" (Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
Acts 2:42-47
"Four characteristics of an Easter people" (Kanata Community Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
April 23, 2006
Acts 2:42-47
"Keeping the Church on course" (Church of the Ascension, Westmount, QC)
May 15, 2000
Acts 7:44 - 8:8
"Martyrdom: The future of the baptized" (Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
May 29, 2011

Other New Testament Sermons
(by canonical order)
Romans 5:1-11
June 12, 2005
"From a sinking fear to a sure hope" (Calvary Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
1 Corinthians 3
Evensong for the 15th Sunday after Trinity (September 16, 2012)
"Building the temple of God on a firm foundation" (St. Peter and Paul's Anglican Church and Church of the Messiah Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON)
Gal 1:1-12
"The Gospel of Christ" (Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
Pentecost 2 (June 2, 2013)
Gal 1:1-24
"The gospel of man" (Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
Pentecost 3 (June 9, 2013)
Gal 3:23 - 4:7
"Who can run the race?" (Community Christian Reformed Church, Dixon's Corners, ON)
August 15, 2004
Eph 1:3-14
"The first millennium and the challenge" (St. James Anglican Church, Carleton Place, ON)
Sermon for the Service of the Beginning of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (January 23, 2000)
Eph 6:10-20
"What remains for us to do?" (Calvary Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
August 23, 2009
1 Tim 6:11-19
September 23, 2004
"Training in holiness" (Community Christian Reformed Church, Dixon's Corners, ON)
Hebrews 10:39 - 11:38
"Olympic preparation" (Calvary Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
August 18, 2013
Hebrews 11:39 - 12:29
"Olympic preparation for an Olympic Reward" Part 2 of "Olympic Preparation" (Calvary Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
August 25, 2013
Hebrews 11:17 - 12:2
Evensong for the Sunday last before Advent (November 25, 2012)
"Looking forward" (St. Peter and Paul's Anglican Church and Church of the Messiah, Ottawa, ON)
Hebrews 12
"The battle cry of freedom" (Community Christian Reformed Church, Dixon's Corners, ON)
August 22, 2004
1 Peter 3:8-22
"Going up?" (Kanata Community Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
May 1, 2005
Revelation 12:7-12
"As the angels do in heaven" (Calvary Christian Reformed Church, Ottawa, ON)
October 1, 2006


The various ways of Scripture
My regular column in Witness, the parish magazine of St. Peter and Paul's Anglican Church, Ottawa, ON, from 2009-2011.
The various ways of Scripture
Scripture is neither easy nor is it impenetrable. What is needed is help in understanding and interpretation of Scripture that will bring those “aha” or “oh, wow!” moments and that will spur us all on to even greater joy in learning of our God and of His good purposes for us.
What does it mean to be a new creation?
“Of what possible interest could I, a decay-prone carbon-based creature, be to You, the One who has brought the universe, the world, all that is in the world, even energy itself into being?” He brought about the death of death and a “new creation” with me in mind? It can’t be. Can it?
Can we see Jesus today?
At the altar – especially at the altar, where we are invited to see Jesus every Day of Resurrection– we are both to be drawn in to see the greatest mystery the world will know and, having seen, to fall back in awe.
What were the main issues facing Anglicans in 1885, when St. George’s was founded?
There were essentially four issues: doctrinal/liturgical, biblical, moral, and scientific.
Why do we say the Nicene Creed every Sunday?
The Nicene Creed is the compass for the ship of faith. When "revisionists" ask us for a new creed, they are asking us to throw overboard the compass that has helped the Church to stay on course since the beginning of the Church.
What do we mean by discipleship?
Discipleship is learning. We learn so that we can be ready to know why we are being led to new places and how we will get there.
Action in waiting
When we pray, how can we be sure that we’re hearing from God and not hearing just what we want to hear?
Lent: Fast or Feast?
While there are many people who use Lent as an opportunity to “put things right with God” through penance and self-mortification, a Biblical approach to Lent would be to see it as an ideal time to invite to faith those who have never known faith by asking them “are you ready for the race of your life?”
How is the kingdom of God served by division?
Division is part of Jesus' means of building the kingdom of God.